Podcast: PlagiMusicali.Net

Momo vs The Soundlovers
Albano vs Vari
Neil Young vs Antonello Venditti
Nek vs Umberto Tozzi
Riccardo Cocciante vs Astor Piazzolla
George Benson vs Gordon Lightfoot
Statuto vs Gazosa
Simone Cristicchi vs Iron Maiden vs Raf vs Sting

Ti regalerò una rosa (2007) vs The legacy (2006) vs Jamas (1998) vs Shape of my heart (1993) – Simone Cristicchi vs Iron Maiden vs Raf vs StingTi regalerò una rosa (2007) vs The legacy (2006) vs Jamas (1998) vs Shape of my heart (1993) – Simone Cristicchi vs Iron Maiden vs Raf vs Sting

Simone Cristicchi vs Iron Maiden vs Raf vs Sting
Ti regalerò una rosa (2007) vs The legacy (2006) vs Jamas (1998) vs Shape of my heart (1993) - Simone Cristicchi vs Iron Maiden vs Raf vs Sting

Nobou Uematsu vs Mina
Mariangela vs The Coral